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Episode 2-24
Posted: March 3, 2001

Tom Residence

Though the sun had set hours ago, there was still quite a commotion going on at the Tom residence. At least half a dozen police cruisers were parked along Mystique Road. There were also two ambulances in the driveway.

Inside, there was nothing but commotion. Darla Tom was being interviewed, while medics were treating both Kassie Tom and Patrick Donavon.

“Can you follow my fingers?” said one medic, moving her hand in front of Kassie face.

Kassie nodded. “I’m fine. I’ve said this too many times already. Don’t you get it?”

Look to her right, she saw Patrick. A doctor was treating his back, but he was very much conscious.

“Ow!” Patrick yelped, turning his neck. “I knew tetanus shots hurt, but jeez!”

The male medic remained unparsed. “We don’t know where that needle they shot at you is from, or what was in it.”

The two medics both came together and chatted

Kassie got up and moved to Patrick. “Are you happy?”

“What?” he asked, pulling his shirt back down. “Of course not.”

Kassie rubbed her upper arm when she too had been given a shot. “This your fault.”

In the bedroom upstairs, numerous officers, trying to get a good statement, were interviewing Darla. She looked terrible. Her eyes were reddened, and she never flinched from her fixed glare.

“M’am, you’re going to have to cooperate. Can you describe the man who kidnapped your child?” He was ready to take notes.

As other officers flashed photos of her broken door, and others dusted for prints, Darla cleared her throat. “I told you… for the hundredth time! He was wearing a dark ski mask.”

“His voice?”

“It was deep!” Darla said. “And there was no accent. Sounded American.”

“Are you sure?”

Darla came up to him. “Maybe not. Maybe I imagined hearing his voice as he pounded on my door. Maybe I imagined it when he wanted to take my child. Maybe I’m just an old fool!”

“Calm down, m’am…” the officer cooed. We’re just trying to…”

“What!?” Darla blasted. “You were here this morning. I had been attacked the day before, and after I insisted you stay, you left. And what happens? My child it taken, my daughter is attacked, and my—” Darla wiped her eye—“boyfriend, Robert, tranquilized her bodyguard.”

The officer nodded. “Yes. Tell us more about this Robert Carlyle you mentioned a while ago. Had you any indication of his relation to these men?”

Back downstairs; the paramedics had given both Kassie and Patrick clean bills of health. They were left around a mass of officers, so they shifted into the living room.

“What do you mean all this is my fault?” Patrick demanded. “What did I do?”

“Don’t insult me. I have ears.”

Patrick remained confused.

“At Natural Exposure?” Kassie hinted. “Remember? You were talking on the phone. I remember you were talking to some officials at Interpol.”

Patrick gulped. “You were listening in?”

“I happened to pass by at the right time,” Kassie concluded for him. “And they said that they weren’t yet found. And that they could have been headed right here to our own town!”

“You shouldn’t eavesdrop,” Patrick lectured.

Shaking her head, Kassie passed by him. “Don’t give me that. You had a chance to warn us. To get us protected. But no. You straight out lied. Even when I asked you afterwards.”

“But…” Patrick stuttered, grabbing her as she passed. “I didn’t want you to worry.”

Kassie nodded. “You know what?” Kassie said, sarcastically. “You’re right. I mean, now that my baby brother has been kidnapped and we were almost killed, I don’t need to worry anymore. You’ve saved the day.”

Patrick wanted more time to explain, but she just passed by him coldly.  

Torres Residence

“What is this?” came someone’s voice from the door.

Iris Torres immediately pulled away from John King’s kiss. “Oh… Adam!”

Standing outside the opened door was Adam King, looking rather shocked at what he saw.

Iris straightened her clothes, and looked over to John. He was looking smugly at his little brother. Iris could only think of what she should say next.

“What are you doing to her?” Adam demanded, probably realizing that John had made the moves. “Why do you always do things like this?”

John shrugged. “She needed comfort.”

“Get out!” Iris replied, knowing she didn’t need his comfort.

Adam grabbed his brother’s arm and threw him out. “And stay out.”

Not wanting to cause a scene, John made his own exit.

Adam turned to Iris, who seemed flustered. “How are you?”

Iris nodded, and smiled. “I’m good. I just need to know what you’re doing here?”

“You weren’t answering your calls, so I decided to come over. I thought you would have called, or something.”

Iris remembered seeing Adam and some blonde debutante kissing on his estate. “I was out of town for a while. I just got back.”

“Oh,” Adam sighed. “And what did my brother want?”

Nervous, Iris shrugged. “I don’t know. He came, and kissed me.”

Adam was puzzled. “Have you met him before? He just got in town!”

Iris nodded. “After the dinner at the mansion I came to visit you. I met him there, and he seemed rude. He told me you and some Macy woman were together and that I should leave. I also thought he was hitting on me, if you can call it that…”

Adam closed his eyes. “That idiot… I’m sorry. I was with a Macy. Macy Winthrop. She was my old girlfriend from two years ago. I think my father is trying to set me up.”

Iris nodded again. “I see… And she kissed you?”

“You saw that?” Adam asked. “Well, yes. But that was after I rejected her. My father invited her over. I have a feeling he doesn’t want me with you.”

“What do you mean ‘with’?” Iris asked curiously.

Adam coughed. “I mean, not around you.”

“Why would he think that?” Iris asked. “Why is he so worried?”

“He just is doesn’t want me involved with people that aren’t my ‘type.’”

“Am I you type?” Iris pushed.

Adam smiled, and looked at her. “If beautiful and smart are a type, then yes.”

Blushing, Iris came to him. “Are we involved, then?”

“Maybe… If you do, I mean…” Adam garbled up his words. “Are you free tomorrow evening?”


Back outside, John was walking along Pier Road. He flipped out his cell phone and dialed a programmed number.

“Dad?” John said first off. “The plan isn’t working.”

An alley

Bo Torres stopped in the darkness. It was where he was supposed to meet the man who had called him at his home in San Francisco. Would he show up?

“Glad you could come,” came the voice from behind him.

Bo turned around. “What do you want?”

The man was shrouded in darkness. “Your confession. We want you to confess to what you and your now-deceased son did all those years ago. Your son killed your wife because she knew the secret! But I know.”

“No!” Bo said, making a stand. “Never! You’ll have to kill me first…”

Consuelos Residence

The burial of Brianna Huber was one that Mateo Consuelos was beaming from. However, Skye Lore seemed slightly less thrilled.

“You seem slightly… under excited,” Mateo pointed out., taking off his coat. “I figured watching her cold body being buried would do you in!”

[Read Skye’s complete scene a flashbacks in the previous episode!]

Skye nodded nervously. “Yeah… ‘Cold.’ I just realized that the fun is over.”

Mateo shrugged. “I guess… I’m a little tired. Maybe we can discuss out next mission tomorrow.”

Shrugging, Skye began to make her way down the hallway. “I’m sort of tired, too.” She walked down the hallway, and turned into the guest room. “Remember,” she called out. “Don’t disturb me tonight.”

Mateo smiled. “We already had our fun at the church!”

Inside her room, Skye quickly went to her bookshelf and pulled out a leather-backed book. She opened it, and flipped through pages scrawled with writing. She made it to a blank page, and wrote feverishly.

“Poor Brianna,” Skye thought, half happy. “You have no idea the terror that awaits you…”

Back in the living room, Mateo had just taken out a beer from the fridge when he heard a knock at the door. He moved quickly to answer it.

“What are you doing—?” he said, before he was cut off.

Cut off by a baseball bat striking him in the back of the head.

St. Peter’s Catholic Church: Graveyard

“Let me out!!” cried Brianna, pounding at the lid of the coffin. “I’m not dead!! Let me out of this thing!!”

The inside of the coffin was completely black, and she couldn’t see the beautiful satin lining, nor the flowers by her hands.

“Aaauurrggg!” she screamed loudly. She breathed deeply, and was struck by a startling reality. If she was ever going to last for a rescue, she’d better save air.

Minutes passed (they felt like hours) before she felt constricted. She had always been so used to moving her arms and legs freely. They hit something either way they turned. Her mind consistently imagined all the dirt piled on her. Maybe there were bugs. And there were probably other dead, rotting corpses buried not a few feet from either side of her!

“Heeeeelp!” she wailed.

Just then, something made her heart jump.

A ringing sound.

A phone.

She frantically felt around for anything she could in the direction of the sound. Her hands came upon a newspaper by her side.

“How did a paper get in here…?” she wondered.

Excerpt from episode 2-22: At Brianna’s Casket (no changes made)

After many short and touching goodbyes, Mateo went forward to the open casket. “Goodbye.” He was finished, and moved back to his seat.

While many guests conversed among themselves, Skye say her last words.

“Brianna,” she stated. “You may be wondering why we did this to you. Simple. You were annoying, and killing people is fun. Simple, right? But I’m hoping that I didn’t make a bad choice. You will more use in there than you ever would have been out here.”

Skye then pulled up her dress and pulled out a newspaper, rolled up. “Remember this? I saved it. It was the article you wrote after Mateo’s brother was shipped over to the coo-coo house. This is why I did what I did.”

Glancing around (and seeing no one), she placed the paper under her arm. “This is so you’ll always remember what you did.”

She walked away coldly, surprisingly pleased with herself…

She grabbed the paper, still unaware of who put it there, and unwrapped it. Out popped on her chest what could only have been a cellular phone. The buttons glowed in the dark, and she pressed the button to answer.

“Hello?” she asked shakily.

“Remember me?”

Her heart sinking, all Brianna could do was scream.

It was Skye.

King Estate

Constance King hung up, and placed her hand on her forehead. “Why did I just do?” she told herself. “Why would Julian accept another child into this house?”

“That’s a good question,” came Julian King, entering her bedroom. He was holding a cordless phone, and hanging up. “Do you want to know the answer?”

Constance turned around, her eyes like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. She flung her red hair over her shoulder, and Julian slowly moved forward. “W-What would your answer be?”

Julian shrugged. “Is that the Mathison boy?”

Constance nodded. “Yes. It’s my brother’s son: Mitchel.”

Walking into her room, Julian placed the phone on her desk. “The idea titillates me, even,” Julian started. “It’s another young mind to mold as a King. Maybe he’ll get some discipline in his life.”

Constance knew her brother, Frederick Mathison, was never strict. He was pretty much carefree, and Mitchel probably has the same attitude.

“So you are okay with this arrangement?” Constance finalized.

Julian nodded, reaching to a mini-bar in the corner of her room. “All our children are grown up. Adam is independent; John is staying a little while; and Ivy is in college in Ireland. Someone new could do some good.”

Constance couldn’t help but feel relieved.

“Bring it on!” Julian cheered, taking a swing from a mini bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

Presence Apartments: Giovanni

“You lied to me,” Gillian Evans deadpanned. She turned around to face him. “You told me an all-out lie in the hospital. How could you?”

Giovanni Pike stuttered with words.

Without warning, Gillian raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

Addy Evans was standing in the doorway with Brooke Wright. Addy was all smiles, but Brooke looked devastated.

“You tricked me!” Brooke told Addy.

Giovanni, reeling from the slap, tried to form the right words. Nothing.

Gillian turned back to the TV to see two people in a position she would have sworn ten minutes ago was impossible to get into. “She is so young!” Gillian groaned, covering her eyes. “This is really sick. She’s, like, sixteen!”

“I—I didn’t mean to—’ Giovanni stuttered.

“Don’t play me like I’m stupid,” Gillian said coarsely. “You are about twenty—maybe older—here, and she’s sixteen—maybe younger!”

Giovanni, with no words left to defend himself with, turned to Brooke. “Why did you do this?” he asked.

Torres Residence

“Sure,” Iris said, delighted inside. “I’d be glad to go out with you”

Adam nodded, smiling. It made Iris melt right there at the door. She had never met anyone as truthful as he was. When she asked him questions, he didn’t even lie.

Adam looked at her. He had the best skin and hair and eyes. So full of energy, he just wanted to have her all to himself everyday.

“Well, goodbye…” Adam said, unsure.

Iris nodded. “Um, goodbye…”

The both didn’t move.

“Uh, your… Your blouse has some cobwebs on it…” Adam said, approaching her.

No doubt from the attic in her old home, Iris thought. “Thanks,” she said, trying to remove it.

Adam came up to her. “Let me…” He brought his hand to her shoulder, and gently took it off. “How’s that?”

“Thanks…” Iris said, noticing he was still standing there.

“There is something on your cheek…” Adam pointed out.

Iris brought her hand to her face. “What?” she asked, rubbing.

Adam brought his head down and kissed her softly on the cheek. “My lips.”

She felt his warm breath, and she felt his lips gently caress her cheek for mere seconds. When he came back up, she was smiling.

“Goodbye,” Iris said happily.

Adam smiled back. “See you tomorrow.”

Closing the door, Iris knew it was a small thing, but it was so much to her. She knew she was going to sleep well that night.

An alley

“Kill you?” the man laughed. “No. Just do it, or else.”

“Or else what?” Bo asked.

“Your daughter. I might do something to her.” The man paused. “Make your decision now!”

Bo didn’t know what to say. “No. I can’t.”

The man shrugged. “Very well. Goodbye.”

Bo was then left alone, unsure of what could happen next…

King Estate

“So what do you suggest we do?” Julian asked John as Muriel vacuumed the living room.

John shrugged. “Those two lovebirds are probably together right now. I know there is only one thing we need to change.”

“What’s that?” Julian asked. “And speak up. I had one too many bottle of happy liquid.”

John shook his head. “We’re going to need to up the ante…”


Constance crawled into her bed. It had been a long, upsetting day, and a whole new adventure greeted her the next day.

Breathing deeply, she reached under her pillow and pulled out a scrapbook. It had several photos in it. Purposely, she flipped to the back. The photo of a mangled car wreck caught her eye. She wiped away a tear, and quickly put it back.

“Never again…” she sighed, closing her eyes. Only she knew what it meant, and it needed to remain a secret…

In Ireland

Ivy King put down her books, and looked back down to the letter on her desk. She had gotten the papers just that morning, and she knew she was going to get a call.

She needed to do it.

Opening the papers up, she took out a monogrammed pen with the letters ‘I. K.’ on the side. She pressed the tip on the bottom of one of the forms and signed.

“This is the only way…” Ivy muttered silently. “This is the only way…”

Presence Apartments: Giovanni

Brooke pulled Addy out into the hall. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Brooke demanded. “Now Giovanni thinks it’s all my fault.”

Addy shrugged. “It is—but that’s beside the point.  What matters is what happens next…”

Without warning, Gillian came storming past Giovanni and then past the two women in the hall. She said nothing, and even forgot her coat.

“See?” Addy said. “This is perfect.”

Brooke was confused. “Perfect?”

“Of course!” Addy smiled. “My daughter, from the beginning, never wanted me near Giovanni. So now, I’m doing to same to her.”

Brooke shook her head. “I can’t be a part of this…”

Addy grabbed her arm. “But you will… You know you will…”

Stopping, Brooke looked over at Addy. “W-What?”

“This is only the beginning,” Addy cooed, looking into the apartment. Giovanni was sitting at a chair with his face in his hands. “The beginning of something terrible.”

Brooke wanted to believe she wouldn’t have any part in Addy’s plans, but something told her she would.

Addy laughed in that apartment building as Gillian rang out into the parking lot into her car, betrayed. She drove away, hoping she never saw that man again…

Tom Residence

Kassie was walking upstairs, passing by the broken door in her bedroom. She then made her way to her mother’s room. She put her ear to the door.


Opening the door, she saw her mother lying in bed. She was under the blankets, and didn’t look very good at all.

“Mom?” Kassie asked carefully, approaching her mother. “You okay?”

No answer. The crying had stopped, but Kassie got to the nightstand and saw her face. It was red, and surprisingly neutral. She stared straight ahead, not noticing she was there,

“Mom?” Kassie repeated.

No answer.

Upset, Kassie back out of the room. She had a bad feeling about her mother. She remembered when she would listen to her ex-fiancée, Jake, talk about his patients. He was an orderly, and catered to many family members who had members that died. They got depressed.

Her mother looked depressed.

“Patrick…why didn’t you do anything?” she said to herself. “Keeping this wasn’t right…”

Downstairs, Patrick was pacing in the living room. He was obviously upset.

“I’ve made a bad, bad mistake,” he groaned, pulling at his hair. “And it could end in Noah’s death… poor Noah… he didn’t even know his father… father…”

Patrick’s eyes opened, surprised.

“His father is Robert… no… that… isn’t right…” Patrick stuttered, hitting his head. “His father… I remember listening to it in the fall… oh my God…”

He paused in the middle of the room in shock of what he had remembered. After falling down the stairs in November, he remembered a secret that had been knocked out of him.

“Robert is Noah’s father!”

Second Pier; 2 miles north of Presence

The signature foghorn rang out as Robert stepped onto the second pier. It was a unique place, where the sound of water and horns could always be heard.

He knocked on a door with a crooked sign reading ‘Crab Cannery.’ He waited a while, and the door opened. A well-build man with short, curly brown hair and dark brown eyes greeted him.


“It’s Robert.”

He motioned for him to come in.

“Do you have him?” Robert asked.

He nodded. “Thanks to your help, we now have the child.”

Robert smiled. “And you remember my condition?”

The man nodded. “Yes, I do.” He walked to a separate room, and Robert followed. There was a small crib in the middle of the room. “He’s here.”

Robert walked forward, and looked down. “Whose my little baby?” he said in baby-talk. “You are… Yes you are… My baby… My little James… James Carlyle…”

St. Peter’s Catholic Church

Father McMurdy lit several candles in the front of the church. They glowed brightly, and filled the sanctuary with an eerie, dancing light.

Following him, Ian Huber entered the back rectory. It was much larger than he had expected, but it held something in the center that was dangerous.

“How’s you hand, now?” the father said worriedly.

“The ice helped,” Ian responded. “I can’t believe it took two more hits with the bat to get him down.”

The priest placed a cloth over Mateo’s face. He was lying on a bed in the center of the room, and his arms and legs were strapped down.

“When will it start?” Ian asked.

Father McMurdy took an ancient tome off his shelf. “Tomorrow,” he stated, flipping through the pages. “Tomorrow we shall exorcise his demons.”


Outside, in the graveyard, Brianna’s peril was very much in progress.

“W-What do you want?!” Brianna demanded Skye, the phone shaking.

“You,” Skye finished. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Just keep me in mind.” She promptly hung up.

Brianna was left in the darkness, realizing it was going to be a long night…

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Episode 2-25


  • Kassie and Patrick remain cold to each other. They can't get Darla up.

  • Father McMurdy begins the exorcism. Skye continues HER plans!

  • Gillian drops by Iris' - and Adam does, too!

  • Addy manipulates Brooke - again!

  • Constance worries about Mitchell's arrival.

  • John is cad (again) and wonders what his cousin will be like in the mansion.