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Episode 2-18
Posted: January 20, 2001

Natural Exposure

Kassie Tom and Patrick Donavon both stepped into the large foyer of the Natural Exposure business building. It was elegantly tiled, and people were quickly coming in and out of doors. Kassie was in absolute awe.

“Isn’t this place… calming?” Kassie asked, arching her head. “Look at that glass ceiling…”

Patrick, who had borrowed a pair of her father’s crutches, wasn’t as impressed. “It is nice. I like the security guards, though. This place looks very safe.”

They both moved to an information desk. A nice, red-haired woman sat upright and greeted them. “Hello. How may I help you?”

“I’m Kassie Tom,” Kassie stated. “I was called yesterday regarding me getting a job in promotions.”

The woman flipped through several papers. “Ah… Tom. Yes. You are indeed here. Go to floor 3, and Tess will show you to your desk and give you the basics. I hope you’ll like it here.”

“Thank you.” Kassie immediately headed to the elevator. She got in, and held it as Patrick made his way. “Are your legs feeling an better?”

Patrick nodded. “Very. They are recovering well – just as Doctor Huber said they would. I just need to move around some more. Exercise them.”

Kassie pressed ‘3’ as soon as Patrick was in. “What did Ian say when you called him this morning?”

“Actually, I didn’t get to speak to him,” Patrick stated, shifting his weight. “I called twice, but no answer.”

Kassie looked puzzled. “Didn’t he say that he was available every weekday morning from six to eight?”

“I guess he was busy.”

The elevator dinged as the cart reached the third level. The doors opened, and some white and blue corridors greeted them. Kassie turned, and saw a receptionist’s desk.

“Excuse me,” Kassie said politely. “Are you Tess?”

The woman greeted her. She was a round-faced, happy lady. She gave them a smile, and flung he red locks over he shoulder as she got up. “Yes, I am. And you must be Kassadine Tom.”

Kassie nodded. “Yes. But I prefer Kassie.”

“No problem. I’ll make a note of it.” She looked beside Kassie and noticed Patrick. “And who is this man?”

“I’m Patrick Donavon,” he said, shifting his weight onto one crutch to shake Tess’ hand.

“My, my,” Tess grinned, turning to Kassie. “I can see already that you have good tastes. Your boyfriend here is very fine indeed.”

Kassie blushed, and Patrick stepped in. “Actually I’m her bodyguard.”

Tess nodded, putting her fingers to her lips. “No need for that… Your secret is safe with me. But you won’t be allowed to stay.”

Patrick quickly pulled out a card from his wallet. “Seriously,” he handed the card over. “All I need is a place to sit and work near her desk.”

Tess handed the card back. “Very well. We have excellent security measures here. There won’t be much to do.” Tess motioned for them to follow her down a corridor.

Presence Memorial Hospital

Darla Tom carried baby Noah James Tom through the large hospital doors. There were several people scattered everywhere, working like ants.

“It is busy here,” Darla said to Noah, trying to let him get used to her voice. “This is where people help others when they’re sick.”

Darla approached the front desk. “I’m here for an appointment. Tom.”

Their hospital also had the pediatric division. It was extremely handy, and it made for good communication between doctors and emergency staff.

“Yes. He’ll be ready in a few minutes. You know where to go, right?”

Darla nodded and smiled.

She shifted to the elevator. After pressing the button, she heard a nurse talking on the phone.

“Ian? Yes. This is Betty, from the hospital… We’ve been trying to contact you all night… We have some bad news… It is your wife…”

Huber Residence

Ian Huber awoke to the sound of a phone ringing. His head pounded like a hammer, and there was a constant pain.

As he got to his feet, he wobbled slightly. He touched his forehead, and he felt blood. It had leaked from his head and made a stain on the carpet.

“I’m coming,” he mumbled as the phone rang again.

He picked it up quick. “Hello?”

The voice on the other end was Betty’s. “Ian? This is Betty, from the hospital… We’ve been trying to contact you all night…”

“I was out,” Ian said simply, looking around to see if his wife had come home. “What was so urgent?”

Nurse Betty cleared her throat. “It is about you wife.”

Ian lit up. “Is she there at the hospital? Waiting for me to get to work?” He checked his watch. “And I’m late! Has Julian called?”

“We have some bad news… It is your wife…”


A slight pause. “She got into a car accident… Brianna passed away yesterday.”

The look of shock on Ian’s face probably said more than any words could have. He gently hung up the phone. He immediately headed out to his car.

Consuelos Residence

Skye Lore opened her eyes to see Mateo Consuelos beside her. Sun floated in through the window, filtering through the drapes. She pulled a sheet up to cover herself, and sat up.

“Where are you going?” Mateo sighed, opening his eyes.

“To get dressed,” she replied, turning to him. “Why do you ask? It sounds as if you don’t want me to leave.”

“What if I said I didn’t,” he smiled, sifting over towards her side. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her to him. “We’re most definitely ahead of schedule now. Our next assignment will be a piece of cake.”

Skye landed on his chest. “My… what do have in mind to do right now?”

“It has been so long,” he said coyly. “I haven’t been able to do anything like this ‘down below.’ I know we’re on a mission, but what is a little fun?”

“I agree.” Skye slipped her hands under the covers.

Staring in her eyes, Mateo’s eyes suddenly widened. “Oh!” he said, surprised by her move. “I’ll counter that…”

Mateo reached under, and Skye let out a yelp.

“You are my superior,” Skye stated, lying on top of Mateo. She moved her hands over his chest, and rubbed her cheek on his pecs.

“Oh…” Mateo moaned, biting his lower lip. “You are definitely some sort of expert.”

“Thank the owner of this body,” she said, heading further down. “And the owner of yours…”

Torres Residence

Iris and Bo Torres were both sitting around the kitchen table. The smell of bacon wafted through the room, giving it a Sunday morning feel.

“You’re going to make me fat with these breakfasts,” Iris joked, receiving her plate. “I’m not fit for these meals.”

Bo hadn’t said anything all morning. It was as if he was expecting her to say something. “Speaking of meals, how was super last night?”

“It was good,” Iris said simply.

“Okay… How was the party?”

“It was okay,” Iris said, once again, simply.

Bo paused and stared at her.

“Okay!” Iris blurted. “It was the best time I have had in a long time! The food was perfect! The music and surroundings were amazing. And Adam is such a wonderful guide. He –”

“Guide?” Bo asked with that ‘look’ on his face.

Grinning, “Just what are you insinuating? That we have something going on? What gives you that impression?”

Bo just stared her down.

Guiltily, “All he has done is escort me to a funeral, and invite me to one of his family’s parties. That is all. Nothing.”

Bo nodded. “Very well… It is just a coincidence that he happens to be one of Presence’s – possible the country – most rich and eligible bachelor.”

Iris shook her head, getting up. “I don’t even know the guy. I have only been working with him for two years – and he never speaks about his life. He had never shown the slightest bit of interest to me when we worked side-by-side at projects.”

Bo shrugged. “You two have been very involved for almost a year. With his trial for murder and all. Experiences like that could get people to be shown in completely different lights.”

“I – I –” Iris stuttered. “Isn’t he engaged, or something? I remember slightly over two years ago the World Globe tabloid had him on the cover.”

“I know what you’re talking about,” Bo said. “Vivian was a sucker for those trash papers. But he never got engaged. The article just said he was involved with a woman, but she left to Europe. Ireland, I think. It is all fuzzy.”

Iris remained unsure. She picked herself up from her chair, and turned to the counter. She noticed a broken object.

“Dad?” she said, approaching it. “Why did you smash your cell phone?”

Nervously, Bo got up. “It – Well, I actually dropped it on the road yesterday, and a giant van ran it over. I brought it in to try and fix it.”

“Those vans…” Iris muttered, exiting the kitchen. “You’ll need a new –”

The home phone interrupted her words. She was a foot away from the ringing machine, so she picked it up.


A raspy voice was on the other end. “Bo… We know what you did! Admit it to the police, or we’ll retaliate!”

King Mansion

Adam King entered the main mansion of the King Estate. His sleep in the guesthouse had been his best all year. After his wonderful evening, he felt lighter than air.

“Son,” Julian announced, holding a mug of coffee and an abnormally expensive robe. “How are you this wonderful morning?”

Adam eyed him carefully. “I am good. How are you?”

“Good, good, good…” Julian trailed, unsure of what to say.

“I had a little conversation with mother last night,” Adam started, trekking further into the house. “It seems as though John might be coming for a visit.”

Constance…” Julian muttered under his breath. Loudly, “Yes, I believe he will be coming very soon… possibly today.”

“I haven’t seen my big brother for at least four years,” Adam stated, contemplating. “I wonder if I’ll recognize him?”

“He’s still the same,” Julian stated, obviously bothered. He quickly changed the topic. “You know, there has been something eating away at me, son. I need to ask you something.”

“It isn’t about the lawsuit, is it?” Adam asked bitterly. “You know my stance on that.”

Julian shook his head. “I think the suit will be going on hold for now, but that isn’t what I wanted to ask.”

Adam turned around. “What is it?”

“Are you falling for Mrs. Torres?”

Adam shrugged. “What does it matter?”

Julian prepared himself to give a long spiel. “What is the matter, you ask? I need to tell you a thing or two about ‘local people.’ They see our mansions and parties and they want it. Just because she makes a few flirtatious eye motions doesn’t mean you’re in love. These women try to steal men away. Golddiggers, to be precise.”

“Stop!” Adam declared. “Iris is anything but that. I love being with her.”

Julian nodded. “Of course. She’s a beautiful woman. Nice assets, if you know what I mean. But that doesn’t mean you bring them in public like that. Marry a nice, rich woman, like that Macy Winthrop you were so involved with over two years ago. Keep Mrs. Torres for romps in the sack.”

“I can’t believe you’d bring that up,” Adam said bitterly.


Constance King was reading the Presence Chronicle, and there was a certain article that stuck out in her mind as she read it.

‘Woman Dies in Horrific Car Crash.’

“Muriel,” Constance called to her servant. “Listen to this: ‘The car was so badly damaged, there is no telling if it was foul play or not.’ Isn’t that awful?”

Muriel nodded. “It is, indeed. But you’ve been reading it over and over. What is it about it that bothers you?”

Constance wiped a tear away. “I could never tell you,” she said, choked up. “Never…”

Presence Apartments: Giovanni

Giovanni Pike picked up the phone and quickly dialed a now-familiar number. It rang about two times before someone picked up.

Gillian?” Giovanni asked. “This is Gio. How are you doing?”

Gillian Evans cleared her voice. “I am good, especially since my mother left to a doctor’s checkup this morning. She came back from the hospital yesterday evening, it seems.”

“That is great,” Giovanni exclaimed. “I called to invite you over for a dinner this evening. Did you want to come over?”

“Do I!?” Gillian cried out excitedly. “I’ll be there in a jiffy!”

“Good. See you.”

They hung up, and Giovanni quickly began to prepare for her arrival. He set out some flowers in his small kitchen, and turned on some music. He was sure it was going to be a day he wouldn’t forget.

After a half-hour, the doorbell rang. Giovanni turned the music up and crept up to the door. He opened it.

“My love –” he said, cutting short.

Addy Evans stood at the door, with an unsettling grin on her face…

Natural Exposure

“Here is your small office,” Tess indicated. “We recently removed several cubicles and gave team members offices. You’ll be working with a Mrs. Iris Torres.”

“That name’s familiar,” Kassie said, pondering.

Tess nodded sadly. “She has been in the paper several times. She has been off work for a while. She was stabbed last spring, and her life has been nothing but trouble.”

“I know,” Patrick said. “Didn’t the paper report earlier that during the earthquake, her brother – the assailant – was killed?”

“Yes,” Tess said. “But enough of that. Mr. Donavon: I’m assigning you a cubicle across from the office. I hope this won’t be a distraction for Mrs. Tom, here.”

Patrick shook his head. “I’ve contacted the Presence Police Department. I told them my situation, and they will be sending me some assignments to complete while I’m here.”

“Very good.” Tess moved to the desk. “And some briefing sheets are here. Adam King is out this morning, but he will give you your assignments. And for advertising strategies in your project, contact Addy Evans.”

Kassie nodded. “Thank you very much. I’ll look over the papers and get settled in.”

Leaving the room, Tess smiled at Kassie. “You’re going to like it here. If you have any more questions, feel free to call be at extension 301.” She signaled to Patrick. “I’ll show you your area…” They left.

Kassie was left in her office. She sat down in her chair, and knew this would be a new beginning for her. A new job, without help from Jake.

Consuelos Residence

Mateo fell back onto Skye, moving his hands over the relief of her body. Skye breathed deeply and Mateo drooped his head over hers.

“Well…” Skye said, pulled the sheets over her to get up. “That was great, but I have a little… assignment. I’m going to the hospital.”

Mateo stretched his arms out. “For what?”

Getting up, “To be a sneak, of course,” Skye said.

“What are you up to?” Mateo asked suspiciously.

Skye looked at Mateo with that glint in her eye. “Nothing. I just want to catch all the reactions. I have a feeling that this trip to the hospital will be very interesting indeed…”

Mystique Road

Ian was driving to the hospital. He knew that it wasn’t wise to drive after so recently being knocked unconscious, but he didn’t care.

“Brianna…” he sobbed. “Why…?”

He pressed his foot down to stop, but there was nothing.

“What…?” he questioned, pressing again. “What is going on?”

Up ahead was an intersection full of cars. And he couldn’t seem to stop his car!

Presence Apartments: Giovanni

“ ‘My love?’ ” Addy asked, stepping inside his apartment. “That is quite an upgrade for me.”

Giovanni cleared his throat and turned down the music with a remote. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I just want to know what you’re doing here.”

Addy looked disappointed. “You mean this isn’t for me? Anyways… There is a reason for me being here.”

“What is it?” Giovanni asked impatiently.

Addy reached into her bag. “Just something that I came upon,” she said with a smile. She pulled out a rectangular object wrapped in a silk cloth. “This.”

Giovanni was visibly upset. “Your daughter will be here soon. You told her you went to see the doctors.”

“I lied,” Addy said simply. “But the truth is I’m feeling better than ever. And this little ditty did it for me.”

“Reveal it already!” Giovanni declared.

Addy adjusted her leather jacket and placed her fingers over the red cloth. “What is behind door number one, Bob?” She pulled the cloth to reveal a videocassette.

All that could be heard was a gasp.

“We have a winner!” Addy announced smugly. “But is he really a winner?”

Within seconds, Giovanni’s surprise was replaced with anger. “Give it to me!” he cried out, lunging at Addy. “You sick bitch!”

Torres Residence

“Who is this?” Iris demanded.

Dial tone.

“Dad,” Iris said, cautiously hanging up the phone. “I just got an odd phone call. Get this: They said they were aware of something you ‘did’ and that they’d ‘retaliate’ if you didn’t go to the police.” She approached her father. “Do you have any idea who it could be?”

Bo froze. He knew who it was. “It was probably a prank call.”

“Maybe…” Iris sighed. “But how did they know you’d be here? It doesn’t make much sense…”

Tossing his hands in the air, Bo came up to his daughter. “Who can analyze the world we live in? It is impossible. What is possible is to meet with Adam King again.”

Iris looked at her father strangely. “This turnaround you’ve had regarding me is strange. Last summer you hated me with a vengeance, and now you’re playing matchmaker? What gives?”

“I realized something,” Bo started. “I realized that losing your mother and brother was a terrible thing. And that you have changed. You are now a beautiful, talented woman, and it seems like a waste to stay bitter. So I want to make up for all our lost happiness.”

Iris sighed exasperatedly. “With Adam?”

“Listen,” her father said in a deep, fatherly tone. “I have been around the block a few times. I can see love a mile away. At the funeral, your eyes glowed and you smiled whenever he was around. And do you know what you’ve been doing this morning? Every time you mentioned his name, your eyes lit up like lights. You may be unwilling to admit it, but I can see it.”

Iris blushed, and went into the living room. “As much as I love listening to you analyze me, I have a meeting at the Beach Hut.”

“With who?”

Iris paused, not willing to say. “Adam. Go ahead. Do your analyzing. We’re just doing some paperwork for the time we’ve missed from Natural Exposure, and discuss Julian King’s lawsuit.”

Bo nodded. “Of course…” He made quoting motions with his fingers. “ ‘Paperwork.’ I believe you…”

Iris let out a sigh on exasperation. As she left, she wasn’t angry with her father. Her life was finally falling into place – and everything felt so right…

King Mansion

“I’m not going to talk about Macy,” Adam said, turning away. “I have a work meeting today.”

“You have no need for work,” Julian insisted, rushing to his son. “I own the entire company. You won’t lose your job.”

“Let him be!” Constance announced, coming down the stairs. “You need to stop pestering him!”

Julian turned to his wife. “I thought I felt a draft – it was you.”

“I love you, too,” Constance said sarcastically.

Adam felt caught in the middle. “I really need to go…”

“No!” Julian insisted. “I invited a special guest over.”

“It isn’t a psychiatrist, is it?” Adam asked, nervously.

Julian pondered. “Maybe that isn’t a bad idea…”

“Henderson!” Constance called out. “Has Adam eaten yet? I don’t want him leaving without breakfast…”

“Now that you mention it,” Julian started. “Getting a shrink to check you out wouldn’t be a bad idea. Maybe he could change your mind…”

“…Maybe some eggs?” Constance asked Henderson. “No bacon. Eggs, toast and orange juice. Adam likes that…”

“…I mean, if anyone could change your mind it would be him…”

Adam covered his ears. It was a new day, and his parents were already trying to plan it for him. He slowly made his way to the door. Scooping up his jacket, swung the door open.

“Oh!” Adam cried out, feeling a shock in his system.

There stood a woman, almost about to knock, dressed very nicely. Her blonde hair was combed down in long locks, and she had several diamonds within the hairs.

It was Macy.

Tom Residence

Robert Carlyle crept up the stairs of the house after getting home from the hotel. There were no cars in the driveway, and the house was definitely empty.

Opening the door to Kassie’s room, he peered in. He slipped in and headed to the empty crib. As he got to the edge of the green crib, he touched it. He remembered something…

            I got it!” he remembered saying all those years ago. “It is green, just like you asked.”

His wife rushed up to him, rubbing her stomach. “It is perfect…” she sighed, wrapping her arms around him. “We’re going to be so happy with this baby…”

Robert closed his eyes, pushing back his feelings. This child, Noah, was a gift for him. He didn’t want anyone to know the truth… but he was no longer sure. He wanted Noah to be his. Noah was his.

Looking at the crib: “You are my son…”

Why wasn’t he crying? Weren’t babies supposed to cry when they were born? In the hospital room, Robert went over to the doctor. He was carrying his son in his arms.

“Is he tired?” Robert asked.

The doctor shook his head. “He’s gone…”

Robert wiped his eyes. He took a breath, and exited the room. As if on a mission, he scooped his coat from the closet downstairs and headed out the door.

Somewhere in Switzerland

Locking a door, a cloaked man entered a meeting room. There were several other men sitting around a rectangular table.

“Are you aware of the information’s location?” one man sitting down asked.

The cloaked man walked up to him and threw some papers on the table. “This is our best bet.”

The sitting man flipped through the pages. “I see… this is in America. Will we be able to locate what we need?”

“Yes,” he replied. “And we know how to get to a weakness… it won’t be long now…”

On the page, there was a clearly marked city, underlined in red:

‘Presence, California.’

Natural Exposure

Kassie had finally arranged her papers and computer desktop. She reviewed her assignments, and they were pretty straightforward.

“ ‘Acquire product information database,’ ” she read to herself. “ ‘Update current site with new products.’ Simple enough.” There were other tasks, but they all related to it.

Just sitting, Kassie realized she hadn’t seen how Patrick was doing. Kassie got up and walked across the office. She past a second desk on her left, and stepped into the hallway. There were several white cubicles across from her.

Keeping quiet, Kassie tried to figure out where Patrick was. She immediately saw his crutches propped on the desk at the first one she saw.

“Pa –” she started, but heard his voice on the phone. She didn’t want to interrupt him.

“What?” Patrick’s voice announced. “What do you mean they’re still at large?”

Kassie stopped. She didn’t want to listen in, but it sounded serious.

“You’re telling me Interpol are still looking for the men that brought the plane down? What are you people doing? Do you know if they will be coming to America?”

Kassie froze for a moment.

Perhaps Patrick’s own silence said it all.

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Episode 2-19

  • The doctor gives Darla Noah's condition.

  • Gives Kassie some news regarding her safety. Will he give all the information?

  • Robert visits a painful moment in his past.

  • Skye drops by the hospital to bask in her success; Mateo settles in "his" home.  

  • Will Ian survive?

  • John arrives!

  • Iris gets one of Bo’s calls.

  • Iris is upset by being set up.

  • The mystery videocassette is played. Who sees it?