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Episode 3-07
Posted: April 28, 2001

This episode marks the debut of a 6-8 episode crossover with Breathe. The characters are Gloria and James Benton, Rachel Wright, as well as a secret character relation in Presence! Enjoy.

Pleasance, Calif.
Second Pier; 2 miles north of Presence

Noah!” Kassie Tom cried out, moments after he had fallen into the water. “No!!” Kassie screamed, moving to the edge of the dock. She saw him floating on the surface, luckily bundled in cloth. But it was dangerous.

Kassie got up, and turned to Colin. “You bastard! You cold hearted, no-good, sickening, filthy, son of a bitch!!” Taking a breath, she punched him in the nose.

Immediately, she turned around and dove into the water. Careful not to make too many waves, she snatched the baby back into her arms.

“How could you do something so careless?” Kassie demanded. “First you kidnap him, and then you could care less whether he lives or dies?”

Colin looked at her, his mouth agape. “You!”

Kassie was treading the water, wondering what he had noticed. And then it hit her like a ton of bricks.

Her wig had fallen off.

Her blonde hair was tied up with a pin, but he had already managed to put two and two together. She had a flashback to when Noah was kidnapped…

She remembered someone (was it her?) answering the door to her home. At first it was only Doctor Wyndham, but them a masked man came behind him.

He shot around with his gun. She remembered being knocked unconscious by Robert.

The masked man had been Colin, and he had certainly recognized her.

“You’re that baby’s sister!” Colin exclaimed, with tremendous anger in his voice. “You tracked me down after I called you, didn’t you? You thought you could play me for a fool?”

Kassie had been caught.

She thought she could pull off an undercover assignment, but she blew it. Majorly.

“I hate being a fool!” Colin screamed. “And I’m not going to let a hack Nancy Drew tear away my commission!”

“W-What are you going to do?” Kassie stammered, swimming to the dock. The cold of the water was definitely getting to her, since she was in the shade of the fishing building.

Colin reached into his coat and pulled out a slick, dark gun. “Something I should have done a long time ago.”

“No!!” Kassie yelled. She looked around for cover, but she could find anything.

Colin pointed the weapon at her. “This will get rid of you as my problem.”

“You c-can’t!” Kassie said. “The police… they will track you down. When my body’s found, they’ll investigate!”

Colin laughed. “Sharks, my dear. They’ll tear you up to shreds. And with whatever’s left, they could never find a bullet.”

Kassie realized her card was up. Before the gunshot rang out, Kassie made sure to cover Noah. Covering him with her back, she braced for the hit.

Presence Memorial Hospital

“This is the police?” Patrick Donavon asked on his cell phone. He looked over to Darla Tom who was listening intently. “Any leads?”

“Yes,” came the voice. “After Dr. Wydham’s interview a while ago, we had established that the man was driving a white Jetta, and even caught the date.”

“And you found one?”

“Yes,” came the officer. “Apparently the perp had no idea that Volkswagens were scarce in this area. We found one Pleasance. A general store clerk said he had it parked around the Pier 1 store.”

Darla grabbed Patrick’s arm. “Have the found Kassie?”

Patrick made a motion to wait. “In Pleasance, you say?” he asked. “Do you have a squad heading there?”

“No,” he officer stated. “It is out of our area. We’re contacting the local force in Pleasance to start the search. They should be starting either tomorrow evening, or the day after.”

“What?” Patrick exclaimed. “Why so long?”

“They need to finish their own cases, and all our officers are overworked as it is. It seems as though spring brings more crime than usual.”

Patrick nodded. “Okay…”

The officer hung up.

“Well?” Darla asked. “Have they found my daughter yet?”

“They are going to start investigating soon,” Patrick said.

“Why not right now?”

Patrick shrugged. “No enough manpower.”

Before Darla could continue, Doctor Wyndham came into view and approached them. “Sorry about the wait. We have cleared a bed for you in the hospital. We’d like to keep you overnight to monitor your vitals.”

“I can’t go back home?” Darla said sadly.

“I’m afraid that treatment for uterine cancer will require some heavy preparation. We’re going to give you some prep drugs to strengthen your immune system.”

Darla nodded, and followed the doctor. She turned back to Patrick, “Please find her.”

Patrick nodded, standing alone in the white hall. “I will find her,” he vowed, “and I won’t wait for the damn police force to find her.”


Dining Room

As soon as Ivy was disconnected from the intercom system, Constance King cleared her throat to make a speech. The entire family was there. Her husband, Julian, and he two aged sons, Adam and John. “As everyone knows, the Fall Gala is just around the corner—”

“It’s not for another six months!” John King burst out.

Constance glared at him. “Yes—son—it is in six months. In October 2001 to be exact. But as you also know, this is the biggest events we have all year. The tabloids report on it, and the wealthiest family come, so it’s nonetheless important.”

“I agree,” Adam King said, agreeing with his mother. “I was… tied up last fall when you had it planned. I won’t miss it this year.” Adam—and the whole country—knew that he had been accused of murder. He was framed, of course, but it was a trying experience.

John stood up. “Sorry, but I don’t know if I’ll be here in six months.”

“Yes you will,” Julian King promised, taking a sip from his drink. He always enjoyed a good drink! “Your term as mayor will be up in the spring, right?”

John nodded. “Right. But I might run again.”

Constance leaned over to whisper to Adam. “I pity that town.”

“No, you won’t,” Julian continued, putting his hand up. He was speaking.

John looked confused. “I can make my own choice, thank you.”

“I have a much… simpler job for you,” Julian smiled. “You don’t need the money, do you? I think you have enough as is.”

John shrugged.

“You are my heir for all of King Industries,” Julian confirmed, “right?”

John nodded. “Yes.”

“So, how does Chief of Staff at Presence Memorial sound?” Julian suggested.

Adam’s mouth dropped, and he turned to his mother. “What’s dad doing?”

Constance shook her head. “He’s a fool. You know that. What a mess he’s getting himself into now…”

Evans Residence

“Who is this?” Gillian Evans demanded on the phone.

Gillian was standing in the living room of her own home. Iris Torres stood in the doorway, looking at her angrily. She had just received an odd phone call by a woman claiming to be Iris!

But she was standing right beside her!

“It’s me! Iris!” came the convincing voice. “Don’t you recognize my voice? It’s me! Help!”

“What kind of trick are you trying to pull?” Gilliam demanded.

There was a pause. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said. “This isn’t a joke. I’m in trouble.”

Gillian shook her head. “M’am… nice try, but the joke’s on you! You see: Iris is standing right beside me. I’m looking at her right now.”

“It’s not me!” she insisted.

“The voice is good,” Gillian said to the caller, “but not good enough. Goodbye.” She hung up.

Iris came up to her. “What was that all about?”

“It was this woman who was calling saying she was you!” Gillian laughed. “But damn, it was spooky. I mean, it sounded just like you and everything. Someone could honestly trick me.”

“You don’t say,” Iris said, smiling for the first time in a while. “Well… I forgot exactly why I came here…”

“You came to verbally abuse me,” Gillian confirmed.

Iris nodded. “Or course. Well, I think I did all of that before the call. Carry on.” She turned and left through the open front door.

Gillian walks up and closes the door. As she does, she realized how strangely Iris was acting when she left. A little too strangely.

She decided she needed to figure out where the caller was.

The Beach Hut

“Careful… Easy…”

Gloria Benton was instructing her husband as they entered the Beach Hut. James Benton was performing a dangerous balancing act with their baggage.

“Listen,” James grunted, hoping to the front desk, “I am able to do this.”

“Couldn’t I at least carry my own bags?” Gloria asked. “You know, you have to have an unbroken back in order to renew our vows.”

James scampered up to the front desk, and the bags tumbled down. “Okay. I made it.”

“Good,” Gloria laughed, picking her bags from the lot. “You did make the reservations, right?”

“Of course!” James exclaimed. He eyed the desk, with a rack of keys behind it. “I wonder where the service is?” He dinged the bell.

Within seconds, a dark-haired woman came through the restaurant section of the Beach Hut. “Sorry about the wait,” she said, wiping her clothes. “I’m Brooke. I’ll be working double today. We seem to be understaffed.”

James nodded. “No problem. We don’t have any plans till tomorrow, anyways.” He paused. “We’re the Bentons.”

Brooke rummaged through the guest book. “I see… Oh. A Ms. Wright signed in before you. It’s shown that you registered together. She must be up in her room right now. Friends?”

Gloria punched James amicably. “See? I told you to take the shuttle bus. Rachel did, and she got here before us!”

Brooke came out from behind the desk. “Hey! Trey! Get over here!”

A youthful man came over wearing a Beach Hut uniform. “What?”

“Bring these people’s bag to their room. Number 211.”

He nodded, and readied the bags for the cart.

Brooke turned to James and Gloria. “Do you have any plans for the evening?”

James shook his head. “Nothing till tomorrow.”

“Then I suggest you eat in the restaurant,” Brooke suggested. “The cook is preparing the most delicious salmon recipes. It’s the cheapest in the country, since it’s fished just north of us.”

“We have already scheduled a meal with Rachel tonight,” Gloria stated softly. “She should be down any minute from now.”

“I’ll show you to a table,” Brooke said pleasantly. “It’s right over here.” She began to walk, and the Great Cape couple followed right behind.


Second Level – Hotel Rooms

“Son of—” Rachel groaned, dragging her backs into the hall. Her dark, brown hair was in ever which direction, and she bared her teeth trying to lift a certain bag.

“This was much easier without someone inside me,” Rachel continued to speak to herself. She paused, and checked the numbers on the doors. She was supposed to be in room 213.

No matter was a hassle it was, she wouldn’t trade being pregnant for the world.

She looked down at her bags, and remembered what she had brought. She had some baby clothes—just in case—along with a selection of dresses. She hopes they still fit.

“Help me!”

Rachel stopped. She looked around the hall, trying to find out where the voice was coming from.


Rachel dropped her bags, and took a brisk jog down the hallway. “Where are you?” She turned a corner, and saw a woman on the phone in the hallway.

Just then, Rachel heard rushed footsteps behind her. Before she could turn around, she was pushed down to the ground.

“What the hell—?” Rachel wheezed, lifting herself up. “Who do you think you are?”

But not getting an answer, she observed the man grabbed the panicked woman. Rachel watch helplessly as the man dragged the screaming woman into a hotel room.

Huber Residence

Ian Huber was lying in bed. “Honey? You’ve been so preoccupied lately. I mean, we just dug you up from your grave; shouldn’t you be a little more happy?”

Brianna Huber was busily searching on the computer in the neighboring room. “I need to do some research.”

“I’m just stumped on how we could have thought you were dead!” Ian exclaimed. “It doesn’t make sense… And how Father McMurdy knew you were alive! I wonder how he found out…”

It was Skye, Brianna thought. She slowed my heart rate down after my car accident. So low the paramedics declared me dead!

“Quit the research!” Ian urged. “Just come to be. I know it’s a little early, but there are other ways to pass the time…”

Brianna wanted to be with her husband more than she could express, but pressing matters were at hand. After Skye had a violent flashback to her past, she uttered “Imediatos Placeres Servicios.” She was searching it on the Internet.

“Is this it?” Brianna muttered, roaming through a list of search results. It was in the top five results, but the description was in Spanish.

Imediatos Placeres Servicios
100% Match

“This has to be it!” she said excitedly. She clicked on the link, and gasped at the page.

Consuelos Residence

Mateo Consuelos nervously peeked into Skye Lore’s room. He knew damn well that she was possessed by something, but since it had had control over her body for over a year, it was getting comfortable.

“What do you want?” Skye said, turning to him. She was obviously fashioning larger clothes to compensate for her pregnant state.

Mateo came in slowly. “Are you sure you want to keep the baby?”

Skye glared at him. “Are you crazy? I’ve told you that this baby is for keeps!”

“But I couldn’t possibly raise a child,” Mateo continued. “It’s a lot of hard work, you know. It doesn’t come easy. Even for… a demon.”

“I will do fine. I—” She stopped, and clasped her stomach. “No!!”

“What is it?” Mateo asked.

Skye’s eyes turned angry. “The baby… Something’s wrong…”


Dining Room

“Father?” Adam said, standing up. “I don’t want to undermine your authority in this town and over its services, but isn’t Ian Huber Chief of Staff?”

Julian shrugged. “I’ve mentioned his sub-par performance in the task.”

“Things may not be running smoothly,” Adam continued, “but that’s only because of a lack of funding. He is a highly capable man. I’ve met him on a few occasions.”

Henderson entered the room. He felt awkward, but made sure to fill Julian glass with another helping of champagne.

“For God’s sake!” Constance burst out, standing up. “His wife died in the earthquake last November. Have some compassion.”

Henderson spoke up. “I just read in the paper that it was discovered she was buried alive,” he stated nervously. “She is supposedly doing well.”

“See?” Julian said to his wife. “Everything all right.”

“You’re forgetting something,” Constance continued. “Our son here isn’t a doctor.”

“That’s a minor concern,” Julian said, shrugging it off. “The only concern is whether or not our son will accept. Will you?”

John nodded. “Sure.”

Constance shook her head. “I don’t believe this. I know for a fact that Ian has worked very hard to get the job. I even know you hired him! But it wasn’t easy was it. I had to convince you that it was the right thing.”

Julian was obviously a little nervous. “In any case, he’s outstayed his welcome.”

“It was because he was black,” Constance stated. “You wanted to hire less experienced Caucasian applicants.”

Julian composed himself. “This isn’t my problem.”

Constance couldn’t stand her husband much longer. She got up from the table and exited the room. Adam followed quickly.

Both father and son were left at the table, and neither of them seemed too worried.

Pleasance, Calif.
Second Pier; 2 miles north of Presence


Kassie cried out at the bullet hit her in the leg. She needed desperately to escape, but the water was no match for her with an injured leg.

“Ever seen a shark before?” Colin asked, replacing the gun back in his coat. “Or have you seen Jaws? When the unsuspecting swimmer doesn’t realize there was a giant man-eater below her?”

“You’re cruel!” Kassie cried out, trying to keep herself above the surface.

Colin leaned down on the dock. “What if I said I saw a fin in the distance? Would you be scared?”

“You’re lying.”

“Remember the music?” Colin continued. “Duh, dum…… Duh, dum…” He repeated the line, getting quicker and quicker.

“Stop!” Kassie begged. “Please. Get me out.” She felt very woozy, as the salt-water started to sting her wound.

Colin thought about it. “You know, I never planned to let you be eaten by a shark. Even I couldn’t stand to watch that.” He held out his hand, and she reluctantly grabbed hold.

“Three, two, one…” he counted before pulling her out. He dragged her onto the dock, and observed her leg. It was bleeding badly. “We need to stop this.”

Kassie was confused as to why he was helping her.

Colin removed his jacket, and then his white T-shirt. He wrapped it around her bleeding leg. Blood seeped through the first layer, and Kassie clenched her teeth.

“You know,” Colin said, applying pressure, “that the human blood is almost exactly like seawater. Same salts and minerals. They are almost exactly alike.” He tied the cloth down lightly. “It’s how scientists figures we evolved from living in the sea. Dates back billions of years.”

Kassie nodded. It was an interesting fact, but all she wanted to do was leave. “Why did you shoot me?”

“To prevent your escape,” Colin stated. “You see that boat over there?” He pointed.

“Yes,” Kassie said, an intense throbbing in her leg.

“That is why I’m saving you for,” he said pointedly. “I already have a plan for you. And it will make sure you and your baby are never found again.”

Presence Memorial Hospital

Darla’s room was pretty nice, considering the surroundings. It was a window room, and it overlooked the almost-setting sun. The ocean was far off, and all she could see was the towering Natural Exposure building where her daughter worked.

“Nice digs,” Patrick commented, entering the room. “Good view and all.” He came up beside her while she was standing beside the window. “How’s everything?”

Darla turned to him. “It’s amazing what a year will do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Last year, everything was okay… until I found out my husband died,” Darla started, listing off her troubles. “Then, Kassie got involved with men that wanted something my husband had when he died. Then I leaned I was pregnant. After an earthquake, giving birth, and a hostage situation, Noah was kidnapped. And now I have cancer.”

Patrick paused. “That’s true. A lot has happened, but you’re going to get through it, right?”

Darla nodded. “I always have.” She paused, then, “I’m starting chemotherapy treatments tomorrow, you know?”

Patrick nodded. “Good luck.”

“This makes me worrying about having to take supplements seem like nothing,” Darla joked lightly.

Patrick smiled. “Whatever happens, I know you could get through it. And don’t you worry about Kassie. I’m going to find her.”

“I’ll be praying for her return… and hopefully she’ll lead to Noah as well,” Darla wished, turning back to the window and the sky. “Praying… I haven’t done that in a while.”

“It always a good time to start.”

Darla agreed. “I always used to be so religious. I don’t know why I stopped. I haven’t been to church in months.”

Patrick looked at his watch. “There’s a chapel downstairs, isn’t there? I suggest you visit there tonight. I, however, need to get going. I’ve already brought Nurse Betty to the brink demanding extra visiting time.”

Darla turned to him and waved goodbye.

“I’ll let you know where Kassie is,” Patrick promised, leaving the room. “I promise.”

Beach Hut

Both Gloria and James sipped their banana daiquiris. They both seemed like they were very much into their drinks. Their table was located outside, and they looked out at the splashing ocean.

“It’s it beautiful?” Gloria asked, referring to the sun on the horizon. It was moments from setting, so the sky was a bring pink. “This was a great idea.”

Before they could reach over the table and kiss, Rachel popped in. “Hey, lovebirds.”

Gloria turned around and smiled. “Rachel. How are the rooms?”

“Mine is very nice,” she commented, pulling out a chair and sitting down. Her movement was obviously slowed under her condition.

James narrowed his eyes. “What happened to your head?”

Rachel touched the forehead, and saw she was bleeding. “Oh… A man pushed me down in the hallway.”

“What?” James exclaimed.

Gloria wore an obvious expression of worry. “How could they do that?”

“Apparently her liked to pile-drive pregnant ladies,” Rachel joked, signaling for Brooke to serve them. “Nothing serious.” She had shrugged off the hallway attack.

Brooke got to their table. “How may I help you?”

“I’d like what they’re having,” Rachel smiled. She observed the waitress’ nametag. “Your name is Brooke? Same with my daughter. It’s a very nice name.”

Brooke looked up from her scribbling. “When you signed in, you were under the name ‘Wright,’ right?”

Rachel nodded.

“That’s my last name, too.”

Gloria squealed. “What a coincidence! What are the chances?” She moved around the table, and up to her husband. “You know what? This could be good luck. Maybe we’re somehow linked to this town; this goes to show that this could be a very memorable stay.”

“Now, tomorrow,” Rachel started, trying to interrupt the happy couple’s kissing, “we’re going to the church, right? I’ll make sure that I contact my uncle, just to confirm.”

“See?” Gloria exclaimed. “Your uncle is also connected here.”

But he isn’t my uncle, Rachel thought to herself. I need to see him tonight. I can’t let you know that I made up the whole thing just so I could come with you. “The church is very beautiful,” she lied.

Gloria had shuffled her chair to be right beside James’. She was kissing him lightly on the cheek as Rachel looked on.

“Oh!” Rachel said, trying to snag the attention. “I think I felt a kick. Yes. It’s a kick.”

Gloria smiled, like she always did. “Do you know what? This baby is almost to term. It could very well come while we’re here.”

“That’s true,” Rachel said, staring at James. As she stroked her stomach, her eyes stared directly at him, and they gave a very strong message.

‘This is you baby.’

It wasn’t spoken, but it was there.

James looked at her, worry on his face. He turned over to kiss his wife on the cheek, but he couldn’t help but turn back.

That woman was carrying his child, and no matter how much he hated it, it was the truth.

Gloria tried to lure him back with a kiss, but she could see he was preoccupied. He was paying an awful lot of attention to Rachel.

Shrugging it off nervously, Gloria reached over and took of sip of her drink. She was positive that it was going to be a good trip.

Presence Apartments: Giovanni’s Place

Giovanni Pike felt horrible. It had been days since he’d seen Gillian, and it was wearing him down inside. He needed some time to explain why he had made the pornographic movie.

“She needs to listen,” he sighed, dragging his day-bag into his bedroom.

He knew why he had done it. And he had regretted it. It had cost him most of his life.

It had cost him his brother.

Rummaging through some old item in a box in his closet, Giovanni came across an old passport and an old card. He opened the passport and saw his photo inside. A much younger photo. Possibly when he was nineteen… maybe twenty. He looked at the name:

“Giovanni Toscana.”

His real name. That was the name he used during his wild days. He constantly traveled between Spain and Florida in his younger years, burning almost all the money he made.

After he had disgraced him family name, and he had developed more sense, he moved to California. He needed a steady place to work. So he changed his name to “Pike.”

But now his past was coming back to haunt him.

Unknown Location, Anywhere in the World

The young woman got inside her home. It was a poor and dirty place, but she could call it home. She moved across the small living room, and she reached her cramped bedroom.

On the nightstand, there was a picture. She moved over to it, and picked it off the table.

“Mama…” she sighed, looking at the older woman’s photo.

She cried.

Huber Residence

Brianna stared at the screen, and saw the provocative silhouette of a woman. Below it was some Spanish text, and what was obviously an address.

Nuero Cedros, Mexico.

Brianna quickly pressed to print the paper, and rushed out of the house.

Consuelos Residence

”What wrong?” Mateo asked, moving up to Skye.

Skye made motion for him to back off. “I’m fine… I’ll be fine…”

“You don’t look that great,” Mateo continued.

“Don’t bother with me,” she muttered, sitting down on the bed. “I’ll be fine.”

The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” Mateo chimed, exiting the room.

Skye sat in the room all alone. She held her stomach, and she was still in pain. There was something wrong.

“There is something wrong,” she muttered to herself. “This baby isn’t going to be what I wanted… This baby could destroy me…”

Mateo opened the front door, and was greeted by Brianna.

“Hi. Back so soon?”

Brianna held up the page she had printed. “This is what we’ve been looking for,” she said excitedly. “This is how we’ll destroy Skye.”

Evans Residence

Gillian quickly went back to the phone, and pressed ‘0’ for the operator. She waited a little while before someone picked up on the other end.

“Operator?” Gillian asked.

A raspy woman’s voice spoke on the other end. “This is a service provided by the phone company. Please ask a question.”

Gillian cleared her throat. “Someone called me earlier. The last call, actually. I would like to know their number.”

“One moment…”

Two minutes later, the voice came back on. “The phone number has been found. The location is the Beach Hut Resort, 7 Pier Road, phone number 555-1111… the call came from extension 666. Thank you. Have a good day.” Click. They hung up.

Gillian paused. “The Beach Hut? Where I work? Damn… could Brooke be playing a prank on me?” She placed the phone receiver back down, and scampered back to the door. She opened it and ran outside.

“Something is up,” Gillian wheezed, getting into her car. “And I need to figure out what it is…”

Iris’ Car

Iris quickly pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number. She kept her eyes on the road, but was quite busy with the call.

“Hello?” she greeted the answerer. “Yes… Yes… No! Dammit! Why did you leave? That’s good. Okay… It’s good that you finally caught up with her, but she got of a fucking phone!”

She tapped her foot as they explained themselves.

“Whatever… You have to make sure this works… Everything has been planned out. We’ve waited too long to pull this plan off. We can’t ruin it right now.” She paused. “I’m coming over right now. It’s the Beach Hut, right? I’m going there right now!”

Comments on the episode are always welcome. Not all information needs to be filled in.



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Episode 3-08

  • The wound in Kassie's leg prevents her from moving. Colin takes measures to kill both her and Noah.

  • Patrick gets a bad vibe.

  • Darla gets a heavenly visitor.

  • Mateo and Brianna plan to stop the baby from coming. Skye still seems happy.

  • Giovanni reminisces on his past.
  • Constance admits to loving another man in her marriage.
  • Julian and John speak regarding Mitchel.
  • Mitchel arrives home.
  • The crossover with BREATHE:
  • Gloria and James get close in the room.
  • Rachel tries to manipulate Father McMurdy.