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Episode 1-08/09
Posted: June 5, 2000

Presence Memorial Hospital

Gillian Evans arrived at the hospital pretty early that morning. She had dressed herself in a red blouse and was wear a pair of tight-fitting jeans. She was there to visit Iris Torres – again. Gillian wanted to warn Iris that her parents were coming.

I am so sorry, Gillian thought. I thought that having your parents would be a blessing at a time like this. But now that your father isn’t dead like you told me, I think you were hiding them. Maybe hate them.

Gillian walked down the sterile halls, and turned into Iris’s room. She saw a male doctor examining her, and quickly left.

“Hey,” came a familiar male voice.

It was Jake Geary. He was dressed in the usual orderly’s attire.

“Hey to you,” Gillian replied, glancing nervously into Iris’s room. “You know when the doctor will be done?”

Jake consulted his chart. “I have no idea. It shouldn’t be long.”

Gillian glanced back, and then back to Jake. “I want to talk to you,” she said. “It’s about a note I received. I was thinking you could help me.”

She knows? Jake thought wildly. Does she know I sent the note?

Swiss Flights Airport

Kassie Tom woke up after a tap on the shoulder. She was groggy, and it took her several blinks to realize where she was. The airport.

“Where…?” Kassie was trying to put everything together.

“Are you okay?” came a familiar voice.

Kassie looked you from her seat. It was Greg. She remembered him from her flight to Switzerland. She hardly even knew him, but she could hear the caring in his voice.

“I… I’m fine.” Kassie got up, a little shaky.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “You getting on the flight back to San Francisco?”

Kassie remember how she got there. She remembered going to the airport manager’s office, and then being attacked by strange men. She was shocked, and then she fell unconscious. She woke up here.

“Are you?” Greg repeated.

Kassie felt something in her jacket. She removed it and saw it was an envelope. There were tickets inside.

“Yep,” Kassie said, unsure of where the tickets came from.

Kassie turned the envelope around, and read the letters scrawled on the back.


Consuelos Residence

As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, Mateo Consuelos opened his eyes. It was a new day. He got up and pulled a pair of pants over his boxers. He stepped shirtless into the hall, and then into the kitchen for some breakfast.

He saw a note on the table beside Dean’s coat. He read what it said.

‘I’m out running an errand. Will be back soon.’

‘Yeah, right,” Mateo mumbled. He peeked into the living room and saw that Skye was still sleeping.

Maybe this fainting spell will bring back her memory, Mateo thought.

He tried to find an English muffin, but realized Dean must have eaten the last one. They had both like them since they were kids.

“Well, bro, you’re not getting away with that. I’m going to take your jacket till you come back.” It was something they did as kids. They would hold something on the other’s hostage until they bargain with them.

He snatched the jacket, but then something came flying out of a breast pocket. Mateo heard it shatter on the ground.

“Uh… I guess we’re even,” Mateo said sheepishly. He bent down to see what he had dropped. There was broken glass and some liquid.

Mateo picked up the biggest shard that had a piece of tape on the side.

“What he hell…”

The label said it all: ‘SLEEP DRUG.’

King Estate: Main House

“Constance!” Julian King yelled out to his wife. “Do you have the paper? I need to see it!”

Constance King walking into the dinning room where Julian was eating his breakfast. She help the paper behind her back.

“I don’t think you want to see it,” Constance said, keeping strong. She knew how to deal with her husband.

“My dear, sweet, foolish wife,” Julian began, talking between his teeth. “You have the paper. I want it. You can not give it – which you are free to do – but then you pay. And I will get a copy, you are just a small obstacle.”

Constance didn’t even want to begin using up her energy fighting with her husband slash pig. “Here,” she said, throwing the paper on the table.

Julian grabbed it, eager to see what they had written regarding his son, Adam. And the stabbing that he was accused of committing.

“God dammit!” he yelled out, pounding the table with his fist. “I’ll kill them. And unlike my son, I won’t get caught!”

The headline read: ‘KING FAMILY KILLER: Son stabs local woman.”

Presence Memorial Hospital

Gillian dragged Jake into the lobby. “I got this note, you see, and I don’t know who wrote it.”

Jake tried to look shocked. “What was it about?”

Gillian rolled her eyes. “It was from a secret admirer or something,” she started. “He said he loved me, or at least that is how I read it to mean.”

“Really…” Jake trailed off.

“It is kind of spooky,” she said. “Someone I know could have sent it. I could have even talked to them.”

“Are you interested?” he asked carefully.

“Are kidding?” she said, shocked. “He couldn’t even talk to my face. Must have a social problem, or something. It is really creepy. And they were pouring their heart out to me.”

Jake was, to put it lightly, crushed. “They could have meant well.”

Gillian shook her head. “Creepy. It makes me feel as if I have a stalker.”

Jake took his clipboard and rushed out of the lobby. “I’ve got round to do,” he said quickly.

Gillian shrugged off Jake’s behavior, and then turned to Iris’s room.

The doctor left Iris alone after his exams. She was feeling much better than the day before. Her energy was returning.

“I have the hearing this afternoon,” she whispered to herself. “I’ll need to get some proper clothes to look presentable.”

Iris ate the bowl of Jell-O the orderly had given her. She needed a bit more rest before she left. She closed her eyes.

“Iris?” The voice woke her up, and Iris turned to the door.

“Who is it…” Iris began, and then saw. “Oh my God!”

“Hi, dear,” came Vivian Torres’s voice. “We are here to see if you’re okay.”

“We?” Iris stuttered. “Who…?”

Bo Torres, her father, stepped into view.

Iris felt her heart race, and blood pound in her face.

Oh, Lord! she thought. What the hell are they doing here?!

Swiss Flights Airport

After reading the message, Kassie quickly pocketed the envelope, keeping to tickets.

“I’m coming,” Kassie called out to Greg.

She raced up to the terminal, still confused about what the men wanted from her. She tried to remember what had happened before she was shocked.

She couldn’t remember.

Consuelos Residence

“Sleep drug?” Mateo asked as he picked up the shard. “Dean, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

Mateo bent down and took a whiff of the liquid.

“Woo!” he said, pulling back. “That’ll do me in.”

Suddenly, Mateo heard a moan come from Skye in the adjoining room. It sounded like she was going to wake up. Mateo rushed into the living room, and got beside the couch that Skye was lying on.

She moaned again.

And opened her eyes.  

Episode 1-10

  • Jake thinks about his future with Kassie.

  • Kassie meets up with Greg, but is soon in deep trouble.

  • Iris’s father is spiteful for something she did.

  • Julian asks Adam a tough question before the hearing.

  • Addy remembers Eric, her deceased husband.